Last Perfection

Match, Light, Schematics

Last Perfection

The straight forward stares of nine million empty faces
Amputated hands from their wrists so they can never grab at the
And i fucking hate you
The way you never feel satiation
The mouths are full but the mind is weak
So please distract with useless toys
Like thousands of tiny little time bombs ticking
The man with no face onctinues to dig circles around his eyes that still take no shape
A funeral procession of fake rubber dolls marches the cirty streets
Staring at the walls
You will take it to the grave
This education
Never live it down this humiliation
Humiliate the simple minds with simple plans
An endless line that begins at the factory doors
Everyone with their hands cupped
Thanking the creator for the little bits they think they own
Unaware that the world is collapsing all around them
Because their only concern is their self-absorbed lego kingdoms
And ideas of a perfect sitcom life
Watch them burn
And you know the sun could never be bright enough for you
As long as there are still stars left in the sky for you to grab
With greedy hands
Numb to the burn of emptiness