Give me time and I’ll make change To these lives once thrown away These walls that stand are hindering From the calling that I seek To brave poor hearts and aid the weak This passion burns within my soul And with the heart of el shaddi These dreams dreamt of yesterday Are challenges we face today Some say that its to radical This plan to change the world But time is fleeting quickly What else would you have us do The time has come to rise up This revival starts right now Speaking life into every fracture Before this world falls to the ground We know we must bring life to what is dead ‘Cause without faith all hope is lost Intertwined like the roots of a tree Love brings silence to uncertainty The darkness of this madness surrounds us everyday Ripping at our only weakness Making it so hard to stay faithful to what we know is the everlasting truth The only thing that keeps me conscious is this virtue Suffering gives way to perseverance Character gives way to hope Hope does not disappoint us This is our purpose How much more will we suffer While still we sit and dream When each day that passes We miss the chance to change