Oh, great city you will fall Into a flame that sees no end You have mocked these words before Warning you of this On the day you meet your end You will look to the sky But you will find no out reached hand To pull you out of this You spit in the face of our best efforts To show you the way to your salvation Oh city lost in flames You’re fate’s impending still Will you make the choice to leave This world that you once knew Our hearts will break for you When the truth is refused And replaced with worthless ways That your heart holds to Devastation will have no mercy on the damned This world will burn and no eyes will see A more violent end to this humanity Your world will fall beneath you Opening the gates to hell Turn your eyes to the one who breathes new life I have found, that to live, we must give our lives But may I not cast judgement off the high-rise of arrogance My place is not to cast judgement on anyone For I am no better than my fellow man I have been called to speak truth in this world of lies For I have found salvation through the grace of christ This world will fall but I will stand strong amongst the wreckage Tolerated or not, I will carry my cross Brothers carry your cross, eternity is near