` from a live oak tree Mockin bird sittin` on a cypress knee Sweet `ole sycamore blowin` in the breeze The slammin` of the screen door Ice cold creek and sugar white sand Pink azalea bloomin` like to beat the band Grandaddy reachin` down to take my hand Gonna go to the candy store Me & Jesus we was as thick as thieves He washed me in the blood and lordy I believed And I gave him my heart At the altar call Back in Eden before the fall Eden before the fall Coal black curls and a dimple in his chin A swagger in his walk and a sideways grin Even Elvis himself had nothin` on him The boy couldn`t be denied His daddy`s in the pulpit shoutin` fury and fire We`re sneakin` out the back door behind the choir And it couldn`t be wrong `cause it was pure desire We were saved and sanctified Lyin` on a bed of magnolia leaves He said I was an angel lord and I believed And I gave him my heart Lord I gave it all Back in Eden before the fall Eden before the fall The apple tasted sweeter and the world was clean I could make sense out of everything Now it`s just a beautiful dream I can`t quite recall Just like Eden before the fall Eden before the fall