
This Day God Gives Me


Tom: G

G             D   
This day God gives me
C                 D
Strength of high heaven,
G             D
Sun and moon shining,
C             D
Flame in my hearth,
Em            C     D
Flashing of lightning,
C               D
Wind in its swiftness,
G              D
Deeps of the ocean,
C        D     G
Firmness of earth.

G             D
This day God sends me
C               D
Strength to sustain me,
G           D
Might to uphold me,
C           D
Wisdom as guide.
Em             C   D
Your eyes are watchful,
C               D
Your ears are list'ning,
G                D
Your lips are speaking,
C      D      G
Friend at my side.

G             D
God's way is my way,
C                 D
God's shield is round me,
G             D
God's host defends me,
C            D
Saving from ill.
Em         C  D
Angels of heaven,
C               D
Drive from me always
G                D
All that would harm me,
C      D      G
Stand by me still.

G            D
Rising, I thank you,
C            D
Mighty and strong One,
G          D
King of creation,
C         D
Giver of rest,
Em          C  D
Firmly confessing
C              G
God in three persons
G            D
Oneness of Godhead,
C     D   G
Trinity blest.