When i meet the morning beam Or lay me down at night to dream, I hear my bones within me say Another night, another day When shall this slough of sense be cast, This dust of thoughts be laid at last The man of flesh and soul be slain And the man of bone remain These today are proud in power And lord it in their little hour The immortal bones obey control Of dying flesh and dying soul 'this long till eve and morn are gone Slow the endless night comes on And late to fulness growns the birth That shall last as long as earth Wanderers eastward, wanderers west, Know you why you cannot rest 'tis that every mother's son Travails with a skeleton Lie down in the bed of dust; Bear the fruit that bear you must Bring the eternal seed to light And morn is all the same as night Rest you so from trouble sore, Fear the heat o' the son no more Nor the snowing winter wild Now you labour not with child Empty vessel, garment cast We that wore you long shall last Another night, another day So my bones within me say