
Henny And Cigs


No you don't need me but don't leave
Nobody know you better than

Henny and Ciggarets
Plenty of ignorance
Tell me its limitless
Always a bit of this
Henny and Cigarettes
Plenty of ignorance
Betting you feeling this
Wrote this I hope you miss me
No you don't need me but don't leave
Nobody know you better than me
Nobody I've been plotting like a thief
Starting drama stealing feelings like a

Goddamn king but a crook, half way shook, sautéed look
Living like I got that ring for what
Just some slut
Never really loved me just the drugs
Thought I would've learned by now but no
Thought I had a girl back home but no
Thought a lot about all of the drama
The bottle popping and problems been popping off on deposits
Wait, you don't gotta leave
You could just stay
We could just play
Like, Jack and Sally, live in the valley, you could always find me
We'd be always having
Halloween on Christmas
Shit I really miss this
Living like we misfits
Shitty cuz we did fit, like

Henny and Ciggarets
Plenty of ignoranceaell me its limitless
Always a bit of this
Henny and Cigarettes
Plenty of ignorance
Betting you feeling this
Wrote this I hope you miss me
No you don't need me but don't leave
Nobody know you better than me
Nobody I've been plotting like a thief
Starting drama stealing feelings like a

Like I don't need you but I need you here
Think about you every year don't fear
Fuck this I'm getting blunted I got abundance of substance
And fucking lovers who never loved us
Fuck this, I got a rubber, how many of us
Are fucked up in the gutter cuz of some slut
Or some dick
Bitch is a bitch
Horse is a horse
Fuck once get married, divorced
American life
Fucked up, live lit, drink don't drive
Embarrass your life
Fall in love but don't take a wife
A terror to lies
Cheat on you, you cheat back but why
Even demise
Guess we worse than perfect like we

Henny and Cigarettes
Plenty of ignorance
Tell me its limitless
Always a bit of this
Henny and Cigarettes
Plenty of ignorance
Betting you feeling this
Wrote this I hope you miss me
No you don't need me but don't leave
Nobody know you better than me
Nobody I've been plotting like a thief
Starting drama stealing feelings like a