I tell you a story, from horrible times of primitive instincts and bloody revenge in the desert, in the sand ancient wargods, unholy ghosts fourthousand years of terror noone dares to speak their name the merciless chasers of the unbelievers missing people, lost forever long forgotten, crying souls in the sands of Al Gharbiyah lies the darkest of all mysteries in the shadow of Anubis lies a fatal attraction deep within the eye of Horus the reflection of your death don´t breathe a word, when you´re searching for your roots, you will find demons fourthousand years of terror noone dares to speak their name the merciless chasers of the unbelievers remember the warning, withstand your instincts beware of the voices, hypnotising you in the sands of Al Gharbiyah lies the darkest of all mysteries by the calling of Osiris you´ll be paralysed with fear may this prophecy protect you from the bloody hands of Seth in the sands of Al Gharbiyah lies the darkest of all mysteries in the shadow of Anubis lies a fatal attraction deep within the eye of Horus the reflection of your death