
Beautiful Girl


I saw the beautiful girl walking down the street
Turning the heads of all the men she meets
Boy after boy falling at her feet
Staring greedily at her delicate meat
Not merely pretty, she was cool and kind
Cunning as a fox with a clever mind
She never seemed sad, always a smile on her face
There wasn't a girl who didn't want her place

She was the beauty queen
Living inside a dream

The beautiful girl
In her fairy tale world
Waiting ever since
For the happy ending with her prince

Not once did she think it could come to an end
Neither she think she would have to pretend
Never alone nor lacking company
Suddenly that's all ever she wants to be
No one seemed to notice, no one cared
No one ever talked about it, no one dared
Sometimes it seems just a terrible dream
But even awake she still wants to scream