Public Warning, Whos In Town Public Warning, All bow down Im riding here on this beat Cuz i don't give a monkeys wot u think about me Its on No long ting, its on Ding dong, whos that, peekaboo its on Yo Ladies & Gentlemen this ent no experiment Its the uneducated example of intellenge By irelevance, means more than ur irelevance Its evident, theres evidence That I Am Bloody Execelent Fast bit lmaao Wif A Dirty backhander If i discover you are a hater See i told u that im better memba wen betty bought i bit of butter well im bringin a bit a better a bitta gutter a bitta uhuh a bitta huha A bit of everylittle dam thing Chorus Crown me the pint size clown of the town See ill huff n ill puff n ill blow ur house down Or ill be the boogie woogie woman, in a boogie woogie gown N ill boogie woogie you with my boogie woogie sound Seeee i told u that im better Memba wen peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers well im pickin a bitter better a bit of gutter a bitta huhuh a bit of evry little dam thing Chorus Im that walkin dictonary Im that talking theasuarus Im that old skool, prehistoric sovasouras avee it i got a habbit of absolutley damagin any track wen i attack it see i told u that im raw memba wen she sold them seashells on the seashore well im sellin a little more a little raw a little encore please while i drop it hardcore. i dont wanna play nun of ur games i wanna play all of my games