Blessed be, three times three, as I do will so mote it be With the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirits in a circle As I do will, so mote it be. Witches live by this creed guarding thought and word and deed An' it harm no one, do anything you will This is called the Wiccan Rede. Samhain starts our New Year, spirits of the dead are near Divination tools are easiest to use Veils between the worlds are sheer. Yule is when the Sun King dies, to be reborn in winter skies Homemade gifts are exchanged in honor of his birth Winter Solstice on the Earth. At Imbolc, candles burn, strengthening the Sun's return As we bless the seeds and prepare for the Spring When the Earth is green again. Equinox in the Spring, Mother Earth awakening As we plant what we want to mature throughout the year Sow good fortune and good cheer. Beltane sees Maypoles rise, just a penis in disguise! Colored ribbons represent our wishes and our dreams Celebrate fertility! Litha comes at June's end, solar apex now descends Sun King's course is at it's yearly height Longest day and shortest night. Lammas is for corn and grain, Mother Goddess ripe again Her consort sheds his blood for summer's bloom Now we honor our Lord Llew . The wheel it turns another notch, which brings us to Fall Equinox Thanks for the blessings, grapes are on the vine Mabon is the Harvest time. We create Sacred Space, with our minds in altered states With the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirits in a circle We create a Magic place. If you wish to help the Earth, celebrating life's rebirth Honor the Sabbats the whole year through Mother Earth will smile in you.