
Fassade - 3. Satz (translation)


Perhaps I'm just a Human being
And perhaps I'm just a lame excuse
Perhaps when all's said I'm one of those questions
Whose answer shows the bareness of questioning at all

And so you can refute me
And so you can inactive give me names too...

Unity - was strength - was being in step
Was power over yourselves
Yourselves - yourselves

And so I am impartial
Not a liar - not corrupt or sold over to blind power
No - I quiver with with longing to believe true words
To meet each other in honest truth

Why the facade?
Do you really need to ask what I feel?
Do you really need to ask how I am?
With eveything that drives me - how I live - How I move
With everything I lay before you - yesterday and here and

Is there really so much egoism in the world?
Is there really so much self-obsession
that love nolonger counts?
Isn't it enough that everyone is out for themselves and
no-one understands
That the walls of solitude are the walls of egoism?

Can I forgive
Can I forgive you now - I ask
Tell me what you want from me

All alone - I want to be all alone
To hear nothing - to see nothing
I want to be by myself

All alone...
I want to be all alone!
All alone - Just leave me be
I beb of you!