When I was younger, much younger than now I thought I could change the world I thought I could help all the people who suffered I'd help the world get well So I saved up my pennies and gave them to teacher To send to the children out there Those children who suffered from hungerand disease Those children with no one to care And do some of those children have children of their own? The children of children full grown When I was younger, much younger than now I thought I could change your minds I thought, with a song that was truthwithout question Problems would fade and die So I sang about love and I sang about freedom And children who die for a word And I was not alone There were many more singing So many the world must have heard Still children go hungry with comfort unknown The children of children full grown Children of nights well meant Children of love long spent Children of tears unwept Children of joy Children of sorrow Children, our hope for tomorrow And children go hungry with comfort unknown The children of children full grown When I was younger, much younger than now I truly believed in our time The flowers, the kaftans, the beads and the bells The peace and the love we would find We thought we were different We thought we were new How they must have laughed in their graves They knew we'd grow tired They knew we'd grow bored They knew we'd "grow up" as they say And children go hungry with comfort unknown The children of children full grown Children of nights well meant Children of love long spent Children of tears unwept Children of joy Children of sorrow Children, our hope for tomorrow