You Should Be Killed You Should Be Wiped Out From the Face of the World There's no Excuse For the Likes of You And no One Will Cry For a Worm Like You You're a Stain On the Face of the Nation And Like Your Mother I Cursethe Day of Your Birth You're the Scum of the Earth, the Scum of the Earth And I Cry - But Not For You.. Why do You Scream At Me Why Are You Trying to Explain What Can't Be Explained If It's Not Your Will - Your Will to Kill And Why Are You Praising Those Heroes When You're Not a Hero At All You're the Scum of the Earth, the Scum of the Earth And I Cry - But Not For You... Solingen - Rostock - Hoyerswerda - Erfurt - Brandenburg - Luebeck - Potsdam -hannover - Frankfurt - Dresden - Nuernberg - Chemnitz - Altenstadt - Düsseldorf - Berlin...