You can hear the protesters chiming The suits say they’re simply whining While the cardboard signs seem to observe rights Through enforced co-signing I was raised in the backdrop of elitist dining - Crime propagated through the idea of hierarchy climbing But when the markets dive, the poorest have to save face - They say grace ’cause only faith can pay today’s rates I'm feeling tardy, late to the jeremy corbyn party My excuse, I'm half starved and all of an airhead arty I'm usually late - world worn, torn, or baked - My week days are spent in a weak daze trying to pay the state You’re in a state because the progressive in you dominates But when your ethics fluctuates a utopia is hard to place That’s why slaves pay when the price of freedom won’t go down I might be so glad when I see the Sun go down But who places limits on obstruction? And what writes the angle of the day? And who mourns a farmer out of cattle When you’re face down some city away? And who queued up to start the fire That would back stab some pharaoh one day? And who queued up to start the fire That would burn down some empire one day?