Something in the air was stinging - the day you came to meet me in Curie Park. You came to tell me the sky was so blue. That it was big and round - and it was calling to you. You never knew a sky as blue as this could be - be so frightening. And I knew it then - you would fly. Light played upon your face - like lace - it was time to kiss and say goodbye. Our hearts would break - be folded in the ache of an early autumn. Birds would alight from flight - singing, to light the opening skies of life and make a sound like lovers crying. And when you kissed me, you let a single tear say the very thing you knew I couldn't hear: The truest love resigns itself to everything. No matter how life pulls it apart, love makes another start again Now when I think of that broken-hearted fall - I'd give my all to have that moment to speak again to thank you for chasing a bluer sky - and to kiss again - and say goodbye. Moments live in forever once they live. So we can give away our forever day. And it's no regret to say, "That was yesterday" when we give away our forever day. Time to say "goodbye" - and find what time can bring to love. It's time for me to try - to see what life is really of. It's time to say "goodbye".