do you think of her despite yourself? does she hit you like a revelation? does she come to you when you're weakest? does she slip through the cracks to fill up the gaps and for a second does it all make sense? it's like the good book says: she's just not that into you i know her exploits alarm you but i don't think she ever meant to harm you if you could turn back time it's been a while since the two of you were speaking and if you could have stopped yourself from freaking maybe you would still be friends and maybe that was meant to be the end either way, please stop trying again do you think of her to spite yourself? does she hit you like a left hook? does she come to you when you need it? does she slip through the cracks to widen the gaps? and suddenly it all makes sense cause like the good book says: she's just not that into you i know your paths are divergent but you're acting like it's never been so urgent so get off your meds i remember when you used to kinda make sense and this was just a random act of god, an accident maybe we can still be friends or maybe she was right to be the wedge in between us either way, please stop calling at least for a little while like the good book says: she's just not that into you you know your passion disturbs her but on the other hand you never did deserve her so go back to bed and i bet you'll feel better when you wake up and you could gain some new perspective on the breakup it's gonna take time to mend and if you really can't be friends ever again, let it go please stop gritting your teeth at least for a little while