Twenty days in hell Boquerón was the place where i died I put my soul on the battlefield 'cause our honor will never die Sixty years after the big war My country face the hell once more again To defend our land And boqueron represents the pride of my nation March, march, march This is our land we'll figth 'till we die Surround the fort they've taken No one comes out, no one goes in Twenty days in hell There isn't food no water anywhere The battle always destroys your soul But this country can't stand betrayers anymore… No rain, no peace But we will stay, we will win Paraguay is my country i will die for it This place represents our honor No rain, no peace But we will stay, we will win Paraguay is my country i will die for it This place represents the honor of my nation Boquerón.! The last day the White flag Shows thath the victory is ours There is no pain Only a weird joy as i scream to the limit of my voice Now i put my life and my soul On the hands of our good lord Forgive me for the life i took And i give this miserable soul This miserable soul.!