I've been around the world, I needed you to know All around the world, I never thought I'd go This far around the world, I needed you to know I've been around, I had to find my way back home So respect, no one is asking for the Moon Step by step Close enough to touch the Moon Deep inside we know we can make it right I believe in you and me, let's give a try Together we can make some changes for years to come (together) That's when we'll be calm I've been around the world, I steal it every day (every day) This world is precious, oh I think that we should care (I think we should care) I've been around the world, I steal it every day (I love seeing every day) My light is beautiful but dying day by day Be grateful You live, you learn You like to buy, spend some money, money Be grateful and look around you I am just asking you to be thankful I've been around the world, I needed you to know All around the world, I never thought I'd go This far around the world, I needed you to know I've been around, I had to find my way back home No, no Been around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world