K's Choice

My Heart

K's Choice

Tom: D

My Heart (K¹s Choice)

This isn¹t exactly correct, but it was good enough for us to get by.

Basic pattern:

E E|---------------------|E|---------------------|E|---------------------|----------
B -----3----------3---------3---------3----------3---------3---------3-----
G ---2---2------2---2-----2---2-----2---2------2---2-----2---2-----2---2---
D -0E|---------------------|E|---------------------|-------------------0---------
A -----------0---------2E|---------------------|E|---------------------|---------
E E|---------------------|----------2----------3---------3--------------------

Not so long ago
We both felt love became a word
No more than that
With sex that felt like wings without a bird

The only thing that we both love
Is in the cradle that we rock
Six hands, six feet, but just one beat
The ticking of the clock


I always heard I could get hurt
I knew that from the start
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don¹t break my heart

Solid wood will rot
If you don¹t keep it from the rain
We were suprised when we found out
That love feels just like pain

Chorus x 2

-Arabella Clauson (arabella@mail.utexas.edu)
Please send corrections, additions, etc...

\____ ----- ____/  Arabella Clauson         
     ( o o )       arabella@mail.utexas.edu  
       (_)         Home of JACKOPIERCE and Todd Snider Chords