You know.. life is funny.. If you don't repeat the actions of your own success you won't be successful You gotta know your own formula, your own ingredients What made you, YOU.. 1987 I was at the Latin Quarters Listenin to Afrika Bambaata give the order The call of the order was to avoid the slaughter He said, "Record companies ain't got nuttin for ya!" Without a lawyer, he taught The Infinity Lessons In how hip-hop could be a, many a blessing And that was great, so in 1988 there was no debate, we had to end the hate The name of the game was "Stop the Violence" and unity, knowledge, and self-reliance We - started talkin bout Martin and Malcolm Had these ghetto kids goin, "Huh, what about him?" 1989, Professor Griff speaks his mind but his freedom of speech is declined 1990 came with the West coast East coast, West coast, who is the best coast? Lookin back now, of COURSE it was bogus The whole argument was where we lost focus We got hopeless; not with the lyrics and music but with hip-hop, and how we used it Or abused it, you know how the crew get "You like it cause you choose it" 1991, we opened our eyes with Human Education Against Lies, we tried to talk about the state of humanity But all these others rappers got mad at me They called me "Captain Human", another message was sent