Where shall we land, there? Which city shall we destroy today? This one, or that one? This one? [KRS-One] Take a look a look around, we last forever We carry books around, manuals are bound in leather We rock the center, the only point that's in the circle We free MC's, what we decree will not desert you We know what we doin, we wise and we chillin We calculate against the continued cries of our children They may be cryin now but they won't be cryin later We love hip-hop, because WE are it's creators So we, build the Temple, write the books, teach the classes Create instrumentals, write hooks and rock masses NONE passes, without studyin this flow It's all good as long as you know Kris know! [Chorus: Mad Lion] While I deal with I, Jah talk to I When I dem go alike, only de one comply Whatchu see with de I, look twice toward de I If you don't unify your children them a gon' cry [KRS-One] I stand with the rejected, the unsuspected, the unconnected The neglected the one you, never suspected It seems you forget hip-hop plays the back Sayin that's my sound, and that's my sound And that's my track, and that's my rap And that's some chorus they did way back, look honey bringin it back I'm actually, I'm everywhere at every time Animating every rhyme and every dare in every mind KRS is my representative on Earth Challenge him not, he's been hip-hop since birth His main objective, is to put hip-hop in perspective Show pity, and DESTROY these wack cities [Chorus] [Mad Lion]