Alone, alone, so alone Beneath black waters where I'm damned to roam In my murky prison I rot Drowning in this hell they all forgot The first to forsake my blood And shed it to all the waves Upon my silt throne I am he Crowned king of cuts Alone, alone, still alone Beneath black waters where I always roam I fade at dusk, and rust at dawn No one, ever, for me did mourn Withered memories of a clear sky Suspended here I cannot die Bitter dreams for one day to sail Into cold oblivious veil A lonely shade I am Misery my only company Bitter-sweet consort she is Beneath black waters From the depths I rise, To prey on your worst fears I will cherish your eyes, And drink from all your tears Now this is my fate, And it will be your torment I breathe in your hate, This is my punishment Beneath black waters