
Is This Justice


Run Home
Here we are I am gone again
I missed you all how have you been
Let us never part because time is thin
Oh Im scared
Dont want to leave now
Listen to happy children cry
Dont let them make our family die
Out of sight out of mind alone
Im tired and I want to go home
Run Home
Here we fall I am gone again
Ill miss you all brothers my friends
Hold you in my heart it wont forget
Oh Im scared
Dont want to go now
Listen to happy children cry
Dont let them make our family die
Out of sight out of mind alone
Im tired and I want to go home
Listened to silenced children cry
Dont let them make our family die
And if you send for me come Ill wait. And I'm falling faster
And if you send for me come Ill wait. I want you badly
And if you send for me come Ill wait, and open your arms
And if you send for me come Ill wait
They lock me up, I feel like a freak
And the binges are back in the south slide
Looking down straight Im a pail motherfucker
Gonna, pop, pop, pop
Oh dont look down when you look down
You mother fuckers wanna come see how I am
Yall really wanna back it up, stack it up now you wanna come and fuck it up
Here I am now standing right in front of you
Gonna pop you in the mouth one time bitch
They lock me up I feel like a freak
No more bars can lock me up