The Kovenant

Towards The Crown Of Night

The Kovenant

War gas swept across each kingdom 
Epic Battles rage across domains 
Thrones are falling... 
As the dark-light burns again 
Feeble humans... 
Behold me in my victory 
Can you see the night come? 
It is indeed a beautiful view 

I am the storms that rage in the night... 
A blazing mist of pure blackness 
I am the flame of darkness... 
Which burns in every heart 

Diven by a list for power and domination 
An immortal king I am...forever to rule 
I am one with the dark, a prowling shadow-wind 
But in the darkness...I am the nightking 

Through the raven-woods I walk... 
Beyond the raven-lairs 
Towards teh Castle of the Dragon-Throne 
Towards the crown of nights 
Walk my path of victory 
A neverending pride 
Cross hte River of Crimson Tears 
The eternal night is near 

Into the silent dark forest beyond 

From the churning seas 
To the haunted woods 
To the snow-covered mountains 
I am the night 
The glorious night 
And shall forevermore conquer 

Into the silent dark forest beyond