The voice of the migrating bird fades again The single fragment that revives the days of childhood It's true Surely, this world is merely a moment In any case, we are alone, even in our last days Words cast themselves softly over the shadow that spreads underfoot I realized that the real end is now something I can't find The sky that sweeps over me is a lament. I closed my eyes I lost the light I pay no heed to the now-distant singing It's true This world is a cacophony (1) Somehow, alone, I will melt into time The shadow that shines underfoot burns the morning sun into my back My heart was just scorched and frozen in place by lonely dreams The path I begin to tread is a lament It's true Surely, this world is merely a moment In any case, we are alone, even in our last days Words cast themselves softly over the shadow that spreads underfoot I realized that the real end is now something I can't find The shadow that shines underfoot burns the morning sun into my back My heart was just scorched and frozen in place by lonely dreams The path I begin to tread is a lament