
Awakening From Perpetual Contemplation


Thrown back to this Life 
After Centuries of Mourning. 
I gave my Youth to be immortal 
But with me my Grief can't cease. 

I return to a World where Baseness reigns 
Subhumans control platitudinously. 
Like thousand Contagions it deforms your Mind, 
Obey and join Mediocritie's Void. 

A shallow Existence in Sycophancy, 
Replaceable Numbers, devoid of Nobility, 
What warrants your Judging on my divine Feats, 
Low Life without the Right to exist. 

I enter the Realm my Beloved is gone 
Mesmerized with Peaches in her Hand. 
Before Metamorphosis came to an End 
Dews touched her Pustules and she went beyond. 

Phantasmagoric, scarlet Lips, 
In burning Fervour I devote. 
Immersed in an ethereal Kiss 
Beneath the Trees where Marble grows. 

Sister, Brocade in gorgeous Fanes, 
In Delirium we are combined . 
Rivulets of yearning Dreams 
Flow to the Seas with putrid Choirs. 

Concealed in a Reverie 
Of sylvan Clouds in golden Skies 
A Nihilist in Misanthropy 
Weeps on Mirror's other Side. 

Where Ants vaporize on cold Stones 
Our stillborn Children play 
Incorporeally mirthless Games 
With wan and ulcerous Hands.