By default or by design? Hope to In a desperate bid, define On the line While stands another side What I thought that I could hide With time Don’t tell me don’t tell me What I am of You’re zeros and ones but I knew This is all this is all That I ever was Its overdue In a head of holes I find You complicate Consumed with the what and why The way you operate Yet In the waking mind It becomes a part of mine Somethings not right Don’t tell me don’t tell me What I am of You’re zeros you’re ones but I knew This is all this is all That I ever was Its overdue Like the noose around my neck You suffocate So enamored of the lie Of X and Y And with eyes held open wide But still to be so blind I find Don’t tell me don’t tell me What I am of You’re zeros and ones but I knew This is all this is all That I ever was And its overdue