You came like a killer, with a vengeance, and a will to terminate Psychological warfare, preying on all the weakness that we share I can see your denial, you're a liar and you wear betrayal well Giving in to the praise of a win of a hero, your dark impel Help me hold on to something real Suture my mind so I can heal We have fallen farther into the shallows Glorifying the surface, we come undone You're an affliction, to connection, contempt you propagate Feeding off the attention, leading blind to the blind, your lies commiserate Selling out for the power, you devour all honesty innate Killing off the intention, validation, it won't satiate We have fallen farther into the shallows Glorifying the surface, we come undone We come undone Whoa We have fallen farther into the shallows Glorifying the surface, we come undone We have drifted far from what really matters Separating each other, we come undone We come undone, we come undone We come undone