I reminise and take a trip back to '79 When your partner might have been like 5, dont sweat the date and the time 'cause in my mind every day was the weekend And everybody knew each other every day they was speaking And you could even go to sleep without locking the door Wasn't no maybe's about your babies coming back from the store But when we go, you better know its candy time I used to walk up in the store they just hand me mines Give me some jawbreakers, lemonheads, 2 bags of chips And a soda, and there's something else i'm supposed to get Give me some boston baked beans and a 10 cent cake And some salem 100's for my uncle ray Now everybody wants my candy but it ain't no sweat Until my uncle hollers out "boy bring me my cigaretts" And you can bet in 3 hours she'll be screaming the same But things change and guys like us we had it made Verse 2 It wasn't strange for somebody in your hood to spank you And your momma won't say nothin but "what he do?" and "thank you" And make you sorry for whatever you did 'cause you gonna get some more lashes when you get to the crib But we was kids and thats all you knew If my momma gave me a dollar you my partner then you got one too And we knew if you tried to talk back Roll your eyes, suck your teeth or get smart you got smacked Pow that was that no discussions When grown folks were talking you wasn't No fussing no arguing, no going back and forth Just pull down the back of your shorts and put your hands on the floor And when you done get outside and play And you'll be having flashbacks for the rest of the day But hey that was how we was raised And they still was the good old days, man we had it made Verse 3 We used to play baseball, basketball, hide and seek 7 on 7 touch football in the street And we'd be 14 deep up and down the block And everytime a car came past you had to stop That was when kids could play outside, wake up at 8'0clock stay all day outside Eat a ham sandwich stay all day outside, playing until it's pitch black outside next day back outside And if you had a fight with one of your friends I guarantee in 3 hours you'd be buddies again Even if you didn't win, nobody was mad We didn't know anybody else we was all we had It wasn't bad, it wasn't good It wasn't beverly hills, it was the hood And that's the place we spent most of our days On 3rd and martin luther king them was the good old days we had it made