you say your in it, because you love it
we all know you think the fame's above it
for all the wrong reasons you've sold out
but we all see what your all about
die hard punks for Jesus Christ
this world lives only for a lie
fame wont bring you eternal life
only flame death and eternal hell

die hard punks for Jesus Christ. this world lives only for a lie.
die hard punks for Jesus Christ. my life's more than just a lie

all your time is spent in vain
doing evil deeds and satan loves it
your only his pawn he cares nothing for you
to see you suffer is his intent

die hard punks for Jesus christ. this world lives only for a lie
die hard punks for Jesus Christ. my life's more than just a lie

God gave you His Son Lord Jesus Christ
so that you could live with him on high
but you, you give it all up
and its only for a lie