A gas escaped the other day, It rose from down below Affects your Brain and body too your death becomes Real slow Lose your sight and senses Go your flesh will smoke and burn Balls Will drop, your cock will peel, Your blood will not flow Chorus: Planet earth, planet earth, Planet earth, planet earth Fuck the Planet earth, bolloxx xenophobe Cyberpunks have created and formed This gas to paralise and kill Feeds On young and old alike your thoughts Will melt and spill Blend of poisons From around the globe, atoms from space And time World's and moons and stars Chemicals that breed on slime Chorus Once it strikes a frenzied madness Epileptic fits on tap Vomitting your Charred remains, your body turns to Sap Basket case your destination, A mass of seething puss You haven't Got the sanity to care or give a fuss Chorus