
Cut Yr Teeth


Tom: D

G                  A
Cheekbones​​ ​​that​​ ​​shine​​ ​​like​​ ​​diamonds​
D                E  Em
​Oh​​ ​​darkness,​​ ​​I​​ ​​am​​ ​​nerveless
 G               A
Eyes​​ ​​closed​​ ​​for​​ ​​lack​​ ​​of​​ ​​purpose
 D                E     Em             G
Lack​​ ​​of​​ ​​light​​ ​​or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​I’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it
 E                      G
I’m​​ ​​still​​ ​​afraid​​ ​​of​​ ​​the​​ ​​dark
 E                        G
You​​ ​​were​​ ​​my​​ ​​light​​ ​​for​​ ​​so​​ ​​long​
  E                        G
Oceans​​ ​​deep​​ ​​and​​ ​​mountains​​ ​​tall​
 E                          G       F#m
​Our​​ ​​future​​ ​​plays​​ ​​tricks​​ ​​on​​ ​​us,​​ ​​huh?

  G            A
Stories​​ ​​that​​ ​​wreak​​ ​​of​​ ​​fiction
 D               Em       G
Adorned,​​ ​​written​​ ​​in​​ ​​cursive
You​​ ​​were​​ ​​a​​ ​​catholic​​ ​​school​​ ​​kid
 D                   E                     G
You​​ ​​kept​​ ​​quiet​​ ​​for​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’d​​ ​​chose​​ ​​this​
Dimples​​ ​​that​​ ​​cut​​ ​​through​​ ​​eyelids
D             Em        G
Oh,​​ ​​heartlessness​​ ​​is​​ ​​burden
High​​ ​​lows,​​ ​​for​​ ​​you’re​​ ​​uncertain
 D               E                   G
Of​​ ​​eagerness​​ ​​or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​

 Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
Em                   F#m     B
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​

 D               G          Em       B
The​​ ​​person​​ ​​you​​ ​​made​​ ​​yourself​​ ​​out​​ ​​to​​ ​​be
  Bm               Em             E        B
Would​​ ​​feel​​ ​​sorry​​ ​​for​​ ​​what​​ ​​you've​​ ​​done​​ ​​to​​ ​​me
                     G      Em      B
Like​​ ​​scrapped​​ ​​sheet​​ ​​metal​​ ​​shaves​ ​ivories​
        Bm      Em
​You​​ ​​started​​ ​​out​​ ​​slow​​ ​​but​​ ​​you​​ ​​cut​​ ​​your​​ ​​teeth​
    G           E
​You​​ ​​cut​​ ​​your​​ ​​teeth
    G           E
​You​​ ​​cut​​ ​​your​​ ​​teeth

G                  A
Cheekbones​​ ​​that​​ ​​shine​​ ​​like​​ ​​diamonds​
D                E  Em
​Oh​​ ​​darkness,​​ I​i​​ ​​am​​ ​​nerveless
 G               A
Eyes​​ ​​closed​​ ​​for​​ ​​lack​​ ​​of​​ ​​purpose
 D                E     Em             G
Lack​​ ​​of​​ ​​light​​ ​​or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​I’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it

 Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
 Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
 Em                    G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​
 Em                   F#m      G
Or​​ ​​fear​​ ​​that​​ ​​you’ll​​ ​​lose​​ ​​it​​

         D                  Bm
You’ve​​ ​​never​​ ​​felt​​ ​​sorry​​ ​​at​​ ​​all
         A                  G
You’ve​​ ​​never​​ ​​felt​​ ​​sorry​​ ​​at​​ ​​all
         D                  Bm
You’ve​​ ​​never​​ ​​felt​​ ​​sorry​​ ​​at​​ ​​all
         A                  G
You’ve​​ ​​never​​ ​​felt​​ ​​sorry​​ ​​at​​ ​​all

            D                             Bm
The ​​​​person ​​​​you’ve ​​​​made ​​​​yourself ​​​​out​​​​ to​​​​ be
           A            G
Would​ ​​​feel​​ ​​sorry ​​​​for ​​​​what ​​​​you've ​​​​done​ ​​​to ​​​​me
                     D               Bm
​​Like​ ​​​scrapped ​​​​sheet ​​​​metal​ ​shaves​​ ​​ivories​
     A           G                        D
​Started​​ ​​out​​ ​​slow​​ ​​but​​ ​​you​​ ​​cut​​ ​​your​​ ​​teeth
        Bm      A       G
You​​ ​​cut​​ ​​your​​ ​​teeth