This is the brave new world Love is not love anymore. Every word you say is part of this murder Every thought I have is part of this murder. Her body tormented To make them happy Murderers without mercy Without heart. Brand new world with new culture Taught how to live and how to die To live faster, to have more and more To be beast, beast of our times. And in this winter morning In the river covered with ice They saw dead body Dead tormented body And her face full of pain Beautiful dress floats on the water... explanation: Two guys violenced and killed a girl. They did torment her body and than they threw her body to the river. I can't even imagine what punishment they deserve. But there is one thing I know for sure. Those murderers thought that this girl was just their toy. And this is what this culture tell us everyday. Love doesn't exist, just fuck, fuck, fuck everything. It's just a question of pleasure, your pleasure. Our culture says: get more and more, you are the best, other people are just toys. Make money on them or use them to satisfy your needs. And here we have results of such thinking: people with no money because of other's people's greed or worse: dead body in the water...