I hate men I can't abide 'em even now and then Than ever marry one of them, i'd rest a maiden rather For husbands are a boring lot and only give you bother Of course, i'm awfully glad that mother deemed to marry father But i hate men Of all the types i've ever met within our democracy I hate the most the athlete with his manner bold and brassy He may have hair upon his chest but, sister, so has lassie Oh, i hate men I hate men They should be kept like piggies in a pen Don't wet a trav'ling salesman though a tempting tom he may be For on your wedding night he may be off to far araby While he's away in mandalay it is thee who have the baby Oh, i hate men If thou shouldst wed a businessman, be wary, oh, be wary He'll tell you he's detained in town on business necessary His business is the business with his pretty secretary Oh, i hate men I hate men Though roosters they, i will not play the hen If you espouse an older man through girlish optimism He'll always stay at home at night and make no criticism Though you may call it love, the doctors call it rheumatism Oh, i hate men From all i've read alone in bed, from a to z, about them Since love is blind, then from the mind, all womankind should rout them But, ladies, you must answer too, what would we do without them? Still, i hate men