I saw their faces go away towards the shining sun and everything reminds of their names but I can't explain this cold. And houses, houses all around, across this uselessness. I'm using all the words I can... Can you understand an ill soul...? There is not anything simpler than this sense of defeat and the dreams which remain unchanged, like monuments to pity. And I will wake up one morning after sorrowful long years giving ice and snow to earth on the wings of a lost heart. And then I will kill the daylight and its shameful poor old tricks, 'cause your smile is just the only thing I need to save in me. This winter is calling me, with its sad angels, around. Outside. I loro volti andare via verso il sole infinito e tutto mi ricorda i loro nomi in questo gelo e luci e case tutte intorno questo niente dentro ed uso tutte le parole e il cuore, inutilmente. There is not anything simpler than this sense of defeat and the dreams which remain unchanged, like moments to pity. And the air seems to be still, and no one may feel the kiss of those cold and gentle lips which give the merciful first rest. Just an icy heaven's rising on the ashes of the world, turning off flaming horizons with his boundless frozen dawns. This desert of ice is calling me... me again, with his large arms of loneliness. This desert of ice is calling me... me again, 'cause he's the father of mine. The desert inside.