Kinky Friedman

Men's Room, L.A.

Kinky Friedman

Kinky Friedman - Men's Room, L.A.

I saw a picture yesterday 
In a men's room near L.A. 
Lying on the floor beside the throne. 
Had I not recognized the cross 
I might have failed to know the boss, 
I thought, "Lord, you look neglected and alone." 

I picked it up with lovin' care, 
I wondered who had placed it there, 
When l saw there was no paper on the roll. 
I said, "Lord, what would you do 
If you were me and I was you, 
Take a chance, save your pants or your soul ?" 

Then a voice said, 
"Kinky, it's Jesus here, you know that I ain't no square. 
Well, I've got these pictures of me, 
I mean statues, you know they're everywhere. 
Well, I may seem I come from Liverpool, 
And then on the other hand I may come from France, 
But if you don't get off that toilet, well I'm just gonna
have to dance." 

I saw a picture yesterday in a men's room near L.A.