Listen here the night is singing, Like a voltage through the ground, Bony white the moonlight shining, You could hold it in your hand. And the Devil wears a rosebud, Stands on the clifftop by your side, Get him on his sad obsession, He'll keep you talking all through the night. Talkin' bout, Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Is there anybody out there Looking for a true believer? Passes through like radiation, Kill or cure it doesn't care, And it passes all understanding, Like the music of the spheres. Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Is there anybody out there Looking for a true believer? Press your wishes to the wheel, Feel the passion burning, Blood red and real. Pray it lead you into glory, For ruin hurries close behind, Could be your new discovered freedom Or the spider in your mind. Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Some kind of love, Is there anybody out there Looking for a true believer?