King Missile

Give Me a Dollar

King Missile

Give me a dollar!


Give me a dollar!

I want a dollar!

I need a dollar!

You got a dollar?!

So give me a dollar!

Give me a dollar with your phone number on it and I'll call you.

Give me a dollar with your name on it and I'll write you a song.

Give me a dollar with nothing on it, and I'll love you forever. I will be your best friend.

Give me a dollar with strings attached, and I will sign on the dotted line.

Give me a dollar!

Give me a dollar!

I want a dollar!

You got a dollar?!

So give me a dollar!


There are beautiful birds, here and there, on the television. They're beautiful. But they don't have any dollars to give me, so fuck them, I need a dollar. I went out of my way a long way to say this, and this is not a joke � give me a dollar. Please. Give me a dollar. Oh, wait. This is a joke.

I'm just kidding. I don't need a dollar. I'll be fine. I have a few dollars right here in my pocket and I'm expecting a check in the mail, and I just got a new job, and I have some shows coming up, and a lot of people owe me money � I don't need a dollar, I'm fine. I was kidding. Don't give me a dollar � give it to someone who needs it. In fact, here. Do you need a dollar? I have eight dollars, and I only need a couple to get me through the next few days. So here. Have a dollar. You can have this dollar. Please. Take it. Please. Thank you.