The garden goblin Isn't this the place for you? Here in the garden we're safe for now Behind the tree, the garden goblin's looking at me At me, at me What's that expression upon his face? Doesn't it look like contempt? Doesn't he want to let the garden grow like me and you? Grow What does he want to comprehend? This garden was never his place Doesn't he want to let thе garden grow like me and you? Grow Thе garden goblin What doesn't he want the world to know? The garden goblin Why doesn't he want to let it grow? The garden goblin What doesn't he want the world to know? The garden goblin Why doesn't he want to let it grow? The garden goblin Grow Grow Grow The garden goblin Grow Grow Grow Couldn't he be friendly like the gnome? Wipe that smirk right off his face Doesn't he want the garden to grow like me and you? Isn't this the place for you? Here in the garden we're safe for now Behind the tree, the garden goblin's looking at me At me, at me At me, at me