So presumptuous With tongue in cheek So presumptuous Belittle me So presumptuous Falling at your feet So presumptuous Don't agree with your negativity Eggshell landmine stepping stones Kindred spirits at a crossroads The world we built is on a tilt Bottled up inside and filled with guilt Maybe you've got a God complex Missing in action, didn't even notice Sounds like negligence Featherless, shaking in defiance So presumptuous With tongue in cheek So presumptuous Belittle me Sitting duck light bulb revelation We're losing momentum Blasé, naïve sheepishly brazen You're doing the bare minimum So presumptuous With tongue in cheek So presumptuous Belittle me So presumptuous Falling at your feet So presumptuous Letting go unwillingly So presumptuous With tongue in cheek So presumptuous Belittle me So presumptuous Falling at your feet So presumptuous What's it gonna take for you to see that Shrug your shoulders No response It's become a known nuance You took for granted all our trust And threw it all away So presumptuous