Tom: D This is the 7/8 guitar part that Belew plays during the singing: ----------------!----------------!-- ----------------!---------------! ----------2-----!----------2-----!-- ----------2-----!---------2-----! --2---4-----4---!--2---4-----4---!- etc...--2---4-----4---!--2---4----4---! ----4---4-----4-!----4---4-----4-!-- ----3---3-----3-!----3---3----3-! ----------------!----------------!---- ----------------!---------------! ----------------!----------------!- ----------------!---------------! ----------------!----------------!----------------! ----------2-----!----------2-----!----------5-----! --2---4-----4---!--2---4-----4---!--5---7-----7---! repeat the same pattern ----2---2-----2-!----2---2-----2-!----7---7-----7-! at the 5th fret. ----------------!----------------!----------------! The fripp line on top of the belew 7/8 is basically the same riff in alternating bars of 6 and 7, but KEEPING THE SAME 8th note value. This produces the funky intervals you hear... and you thought it was a delay! (I know *I* did first time I heard it... 8-)). ------------------|---------------| ------------2-----|----------2----| --2---4-------4---|--2---4--------| ----2---2-------2-|----2---2---2--| ------------------|---------------| etc. over the 7/8 above... ------------------|---------------| The chording during fripps' whacked out picking in the intro and between verses seems to be a barred 9th chord, dropping the unison on the G string to the major 7th, ie --2-----2--2----| --4-----3--4----| --4-----4--4----| --2-----2--2----| with appropriate whammy bar antics for the first chord, then up to a Dsus2 (5th & 7th frets) then again another 3rd. Oh yeah, when the 13/8 and 7/8 fall back together, they play for about 3 bars both in 7 *then* drop the bass note as noted above. Some one is yet to figure out the "whacked out fripp part". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Submitted: 14-Jan-93 By: Paul Martz (pmartz at dsd dot es dot com) I finally had a chance to go over Sven's tab for "Frame by Frame". Can't remember whether I got it off this mailing list or the guitar tab group, it is dated April 4, 1992. Anyhow he left some holes that I'll try to fill in. He refers to a "whacked out Fripp part" which is what Fripp plays over the intro, and for that I've deciphered the following: --------------|-------------| ----- 7 9 7 --|---- 7 9 7 --| - 6 9 ----- 9 | 6 9 ----- 9 | --------------|-------------| .... --------------|-------------| --------------|-------------| .. over and over, played very very fast. Faster than I can play. (Of course I'm "just a drummer" :-) Then I set to work on the bass part, which Sven had left out. I don't have access to a stick, so I've transcribed for bass. This has resulted in a lot of stuff up an octave higher than it needs to be. I've done the best I could. Here goes. Over the intro it sounds like: -------------------------------------------| ---------------------|---------------------| --------- 9 4 -------|--------- 9 4 -------| - 0 -------------- 6 |- 0 -------------- 6 | Corresponding to what Fripp plays, ten "measures" of the Fripp stuff fits into one of the measures I've just drawn for the bass. The above bass part leads into the following (again remember I'm transcribing for bass): --- 6 ---- 6 9 ---- 6 ---- 6 --| - 6 ---- 6 ------ 6 ---- 6 ----| ---------------------------- 4 | .... -------------------------------| This moves up a third, allowing it to be transcribed down an octave, which I've done: -------------------------------| -------------------------------| --- 9 ---- 9 12 --- 9 ---- 9 --| .... - 9 ---- 9 ------ 9 ---- 9 - 0 | -----------------------------------|-----| -----------------------------------|-----| ---- 12 --- 12 ------- 13 --- 13 --|-----| - 12 ---- 12 - 3 -- 13 --- 13 -- 4 |- 2 -| At this point we're at the lead in for the verse. The stick is silent for a few phrases, then comes in with the vocals: --------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| - 4 ----- 4 --- 4 2 | 0 ----- 0 --- 0 --|-------------------|-------------------| --------------------|---------------- 4 | 2 ----- 2 --- 2 0 |-------------------| --------------------|-------------------|-------------------| 3 ----- 4 --------| --------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| - 7 ----- 7 --- 7 5 | 3 ----- 3 --- 3 2 | 0 ----- 0 --- 0 --|-------------------| --------------------|-------------------|---------------- 3 | 1 ----- 2 --------| --------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Submitted: 22-Mar-96 By: Reginald Hunt (rphunt at tiac dot com) "Frame by Frame" from the King Crimson album "Discipline" Fripp Guitar Part (essentials) The song begins with Fripp playing a rapid 1/16-note riff repeated many times: -------------| -------------| -------------| then after 32 measures of 4/4 he shifts up to -----4-6-4---| -4-7-------7-| -------------| ---------------| ---------------| ---------------| after 16 measures of 4/4 he shifts up to ------7-9-7----| -7-10-------10-| ---------------| -------------| -------------| -------------| -------------| -----5-7-5---| for 2 measures of 4/4 then -----6-8-6---| for 2 measures of 4/4. -5-8-------8-| -6-9-------9-| -------------| -------------| -------------| -------------| ********************************************************************************************** The next pattern (F# minor) is: ---------------| ---------------|-------------| ---------2-----| ---------2-----|---------2---| -2---4-----4---| for 2 times then -2---4-----4---|-2---4-----4-| for 7 times ---4---4-----4-| (if this is the 3rd ---4---4-----4-|---4---4-----| then ---------------| go round, make it 6 times) ---------------|-------------| ---------------| ---------------|-------------| ---------------| ---------2-----| -2---4-----4---| again for 5 times then ---4---4-----4-| (if this is the 3rd ---------------| go round, jump to +++Coda+++ after 5 times) ---------------| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| ---------4------|---------4------|---------4------|---------4------| -2---4------4---|-2---4------4---|-1---4------4---|-1---4------4---| ---3---3------3-|---3---3------3-|---3---3------3-|---3---3------3-| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| Note that Fripp plays the above 13/8 pattern against Belew's 14/8 pattern giving an "echo" effect that ceases after the 7 repeats. ********************************************************************************************** The next pattern (A minor) is: ---------------| ---------5-----| -5---7-----7---| for 8 times then ---7---7-----7-| ---------------| ---------------| ------------8------| ------10-----------| -9-----------------| ---10----10---10---| -----------------0-| -------------------| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| ---------5------|---------7------|---------7------|---------7------| -5---7------7---|-5---7------7---|-4---7------7---|-4---7------7---| ---6---6------6-|---6---6------6-|---6---6------6-|---6---6------6-| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| Now return to the beginning and play it all again (but play the first rapid pattern only 16 times). ********************************************************************************************** ++++++++++ +++Coda+++ ++++++++++ ---------------| ---------5-----| -5---7-----7---| for 4 times then ---7---7-----7-| ---------------| ---------------| -------------------------------------------------|| -------------------------------------------------|| ---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5-|| for 4 times -7-------7-------7-------7-------7-------7-------|| -------------------------------------------------|| -------------------------------------------------|| Although I've seen Fripp play the last riff this way: --------------------------------------------------------|| --------------------------------------------------------|| --------------------------------------------------------|| -7-10-12-10-7-10-12-10-7-10-12-10-7-10-12-10-7-10-12-10-|| --------------------------------------------------------|| --------------------------------------------------------||