Hard wood floors embrace me Muscles bruised and tendons weak to long to recall any form of sleep garbage food, filthy drinks, empty cups to urinate gas stations, flying jays, taking shits to violate eastern, central, pacific lines everything changes once across state lines I've left everything I've ever had behind to pursue this far fetched dream of mine Black ice and white lines have become the only form of being home I wont live my life like you The end is coming sooner than you think I'll change this world while you sink What have we done We created a monster We created a monster What have we done I'll change this world while you sink look at yourself in the mirror I'll change this world while you sink maybe its your dead end life I'll change this world while you sink I'll fucking change this world We've created a monster to avoid letting you down But it only stomps through town after town eastern, central, pacific lines everything changes once across state lines I've left everything I've ever had behind to pursue this far fetched dream of mine Black ice and white lines Black ice and white lines we're holding onto the reigns of this mess but I'd rather do this then live like the rest live like the rest We've created a monster to avoid letting you down But it only stomps through town after town