Perfection is inhuman To forgive is divine Diogenes and his lantern An honest man he could not find When they live up to the standards that other people set, they sell themselves short, they settle for second best A misanthropic lifestyle, reclusion and contempt.. I use my mind, become myself, don't fear what might come next See the contagious phobia spread through our streets Realize no branch can bear fruit on its own Hope: in our hands lies success or defeat Pray we can cure... Destroy the social syndrome Quick to give an answer when it's all in retrospect Living with their prejudice, ignorance feeds neglect Misdirected logic, their priorities are confused Just living day to day for them is catch 22 Knowledge is our weapon Faith provides a cure We must believe in what we know is right, believe in what is pure If we vow to make a change and open up our hearts, we'll combat the social syndrome and we're free to a new start