Kim Burrell

Everlasting Life

Kim Burrell

Don't you want 
To live forever
Don't you 
Want to shout
Wouldn't you like to
Sing forever
Yes, I want 
To live forever

For God 
So loved the world
That he gave his only
Begotten son
That whosoever believes
In him
Shall never perish 
But have 
Everlasting life

Believe on me as the 
Scriputre has said
For in theat great day all
Saints will rise up from
The dead
All who have confessed
Me as their Lord
Will receive their just
This is 
The promise that 
God has given to us
From the beginning
But in order 
To receive it
There's no time 
For slipping

Everlasting life
Gotta have it
Everlasting life
Gotta have it
Gotta have 
Everlasting life

I'm going there
I'm going there
Everyday'll be sunshine

Howdy, howdy, howdy
Never goodbye
Gonna see my mother
Gonna see my father
Can't wait to get over 
There gonna see 
The man that died
For me

Howdy howdy 
Never goodbye

No more crying 
No more dying
Sun never going down
Everyday'll be Sunday 
I want ever
Everlasting life
I want everlasting life
I want everlasting life
I want everlasting life
Everlastng life

I want everlasting life
Want everlasting life
I want everlasting life
Forever and ever
Can't wait to see His face
I want everlasting 
Gotta get my reward
I gotta walk the streets
Of gold prepared for me

I want my mansion yes I
I gotta see my Jesus, yes
I'm on my way home
Won't you come and go with 
Me to A better place 
Prepared for all of us who
Have a relationship 
With God above
I want everlasting life
I want everlasting life