You gotta laugh and you gotta cry You gotta let the clouds roll by That's what they. You gotta give and you gotta take You gotta let your heart break That's what they say And you can't have it any other way That's what they say. I know it hurts when your heart splits open but that's the way the light gets in That's what they say. You've gotta break so you can grow It's shitty but that's the way it goes That's what they say. And you can't have it any other way That's what they say. And you can't have it any other way That's what they say. You gotta try so you can fail to catch a tiger by the tail That's what they say. You gotta just keep going on Even when you don't feel very strong That's what they say. And you can't have it any other way That's what they say. I'm just going to stay in bed today.