On the television, a ship was sinking it seemed so real, but it was just a movie made by Irwin Allen (my, what a relief) and on this ship was Ernest Borgnine, brave in the face of certain death he played a cop on a pleasure cruise along with his wife, an ex-prostitute Shelley Winters, she was on the ship she was good, too- but she died as did Gene Hackman, a preacher, who gave his life so that others could live he died shouting "how many more lives?!" On the screen, the city crumbled so realistic, but but yet another film by the master of realism, mr. Irwin Allen no less a man than Lorne Green, and mr. George Kennedy, risked their lives to save the lives of strangers their selflessness was moving Chuck Heston was in the movie too- but he was just a ham. On the tv, a building in flames it was "Towering Inferno" by Irwin Allen O.J. Simpson led the cast in a man-against-nature fight-for-survival it was awesome! yeah, man, it blew me away. "Man Vs. Nature" Killdozer _12 Point Buck_