Tom: C and try to play it. VERSE e---------0---------------0---------------1-------| B-------1---1-----------0---0-----------1---1-----| G-----0-------0-------2-------2-------2-------2---| D---2-----------2---2-----------2---3-----------3-| A-3---------------0---------------3---------------| E-------------------------------------------------| e----------3--------| B--------3---3------| G------0--------0---| D----0------------0-| A-------------------| E-3-----------------| CHORUS C Asus2 F The cat in the hat was my favorite book G C Until it was stolen by a crook Asus2 F I used to play Ballting Tops G Until it was confiscated by the cops C Asus2 F And now I have nothing to play G C So I'll be bored here everyday Asus2 F And I used to eat chicken G But now I'm the chicken BREAK (Play each chord 14x) Em Am Em Am F G F G SONG ORDER VERSE CHORUS BREAK CHORUS BREAK Well that's about it! I couldn't figure out the solo to the way it is exactly played but I am 100% sure the rest of the song is right. If anyone can figure out the solo please email me: *