I can't understand why my life Would warrant discussion or gossip My conquests and accomplishments are minimal It's like some new false language I can't understand Maybe I wasn't really listening You see I don't speak for the sake of speaking I speak from the heart, my words reveal me That's why I have nothing to say to you It's amusing that you consider yourself Some great reward...Oh, so beautiful...So precious.....astounding And if I caused you distress in your life It's because I've deemed yours worthless I think nothing of chewing you up And spitting you out Because I consider you nothing. Alive I'm alive I'm a lie I am awake I've awoken I denounce you I forgive you I am reborn You always said you'd be there To pick me up when I fell down Your out-stretched hand, enclosed in mine And I took you right down You knew some day I wouldn't be there I knew I'd kick you in the ass I just couldn't stand to see you disrespect yourself, To destroy yourself,