Tom: E E|E|E|-----------------------------|E|-----------------------------|---------------------|| AWAKENING PD LUDE - Kiko Loureiro E|E|E|-----------------------------|E|-----------------------------|---------------------|| Tabbed by Fritz February 2015 Standard tuning 4/4 Q.E Q E H E E E Q.E Q E H E E E H E E E H E E E E||--0-----0---------|-----------------|-----------------| B||------0---4-----0-|-0-----0-------0-|---------------1-| G||*---0---------5---|-----0---2---2---|-------0-----0---| Acoustic Guitar D||*-----------7-----|---4-------4-----|-----4-----4-----| A||------------------|-3-------2-------|---2-----3-------| E||--0---------------|-----------------|-0---------------| |3| |3| |3| |3| |3| |3||3| W E E E H H E E E QEE QEE QEE Q. E Q E Q QEE QEE QEEQEE E|---------0------| |-------3-5-5-7-7|-8-8-2------2-5---|-3-3-3-3-2-2---| B|---------0------| |-----0----------|-----0--0---------|------1---0-4-4| G|-------0-------*| |---4------5---7-|--9--5----5-------|--4------------| D|-----4---------*| |-2-------4---5--|-7---4------------|-2---1---0---4-| A|---2------------| |----------------|------------------|------------2--| E|-0--------------| |----------------|------------------|---------------| |3| QEEH E E E Q E H H. Q Q E H E E E Q E Q E Q E Q E Q.E E E|----0+----------|---0-------------|-----------------|------12----------| B|-4-4----------0-|-----------------|-----8---10--12--|-13---------10--10| G|----------0-----|-5---------------|-----------------|----------12------| D|--4---------7---|-----------------|---9---9---10--12|---14-10------10--| A|-0----7-8-------|-------------2---|-7-------9---10--|-12---------9-----| E|----6+----------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| Q Q Q.E Q E H E Q Q.E Q E H. E E E E E Q H H E|-12--10--7-----5-|-3-------------0-|----------0-0+----|-0-------0-------| B|-------------5---|-----3---7-------|-4------4---0+----|-0-------0-------| G|-----------5-----|---0---------5---|-4----4-----2+----|-2-------2-------| D|-----------------|-----------4-----|-5--5-------3+----|-3-------3-------| A|---------3-------|-2-------0-------|------------3+----|-3-------3-------| E|-----------------|-----------------|-3+---------1+----|-1-------1-------| What do all the symbols mean? E|-----------------------------| W - whole note (semibreve) H - half note (minim) Q - quarter note (crotchet) E - 8th note (quaver) S - 16th note (semiquaver) T - 32nd note (demisemi quaver) X - 64th note (hemidemisemi quaver) ? - Fret number not defined (note out of range) If a dot appears after one of the above then it means that the note is 1.5 times as long, e.g. Q. is 3 8th notes long. Two dots means 1.75 times long. If a '+' sign appears after a note then that note is tied to (held on to) the next note. E|------| |1. | - play bar/s under this sign first time only in repeats